Alien Abductions
Alien Harvest - reasons for abduction. GLUFON UFO abduction files Possible schematics of a Grey?
VJEnterprises: The Government and the Greys. VJEnterprises: UFO Abduction and the Greys A Response to NOVA's Program on UFO Abductions
UFO Researcher (Australia) How To Get Rid Of Implants Disussion of why Aliens are visiting the Earth
Men In Black UFO Abduction Tales Not Quite So Alien Abductions - some fascinating articles.
The arguments against the validity of Alien Abduction cases. The Alien Jigsaw - True Experiences of Alien Abduction Alien Abduction Painting
'Abductees' Anonymous Incredible paintings created by an abductee. Report On Hopkins' Napolitano Case.
An Open Letter To Abductees HillHouse Investigations - UFO Abduction Tales of alien abduction, and Hale Bopp!
Demon Possession and Alien Abduction - A Simularity A Mask - the face of an alien? Dragonbane's alien files.
Is it a real alien from outer space? Alien Abductions and the end of White People. Alien Almost-Abduction: A True Story
Alien Abduction Front The Doctor's Plot (James Gleick) Alien Abduction's Are Real!

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